Molly’s Rebuttal
I’m such a passive horsemeat-eating bitch in the closet.
After you left me in the glop of betrayal I became
impervious. I had to find out how to turn off the gas
in an emergency, use the wrench already stolen.
Still life insists—my bones bend eagerly,
I search every nook for your countenance
connected like raindrops in a barrel.
I plan another trip to kingdom come.
The knots are hanging here, but hope resists.
I’m the chauffeur voyeur gawking
into the limousine, discovering how humans
are fleshed out, their mousey intentions,
skeletons garnished in pretty rags—I’m
aware of how they kiss and when they won’t.
Judith Rechter's poems have appeared in No More Masks, Perspective, Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry & Prose, Sinister Wisdom, and What I Want From You, an East Bay Anthology. Her first collection of poems, Wild West, was published by RAW ArT PRESS. She lives in California.