A Moonstone, by Your Sighing
I’m a rabbit on the outside,
one that fits in your hand,
one that caresses you
in your stroking.
I’m several layers of velveteen
while you circle your digits,
while you slide and glide
with your stroking.
I’m all silk and fluff,
you will turn me inside,
you will turn me inside out
by your stroking.
I’m a rabbit on the outside,
one with fragile bones,
one that places its paws
in your sighing.
I’m several layers of velveteen
while you swirl through me,
while you set us free of life
with your sighing.
I’m all fluff and silk,
you will find my center,
you will find a moonstone
by your sighing.
Jessica Mason McFadden is working toward an M.A., as a first-year graduate student, teaching assistant, and Writing Center consultant in the Department of English and Journalism at Western Illinois University. Her poems have appeared in Women's Voices Journal, Read These Lips, Diverse Voices Quarterly, Breadcrumb Scabs, Spinozablue Electronic Journal of the Arts, Sinister Wisdom, The Countess of Flatbroke’s Treasury of Poems (Basic Me), Adanna, and Saltwater Quarterly. Her first book of poetry is forthcoming with Saltfire Press.