I love a dyke in a flight suit. Or in
overalls. People don't think butch girls
are into other butch girls. But I can get
very into other butch girls. I can get down
with your baggy pants and boxers. I love
a babe in a ballcap or a snapback. I want
to run my fingers through your cropped
curls and over your skull. I want to taste
the metal in your ear when my mouth
finds it in the dark. How big is your carabiner?
Do you carry a backpack, like, everywhere?
You can carry me anywhere. Show me
your biceps. Show me your skateboard.
Show me your favorite scene from The L Word,
I'll show you mine.
Beck Guerra Carter is a queer poet from Austin, Texas. She is currently an MFA candidate in Creative Writing at Texas State University. She has been published in Persona and Odes and Elegies: Eco-Poetry from the Texas Gulf Coast. Beck currently resides in San Marcos with a tiny dachshund named Cookie. Her pronouns are she/they.