Dawn, hidden beneath a canopy
of black starry sky,
sleeps in her chamber
under a sconce
of silvery moon.
I watch from my window
as the chambermaid
slips into the room
snuffs out the candelabra
of stars
and slowly, sensually parts
that thick black chiffon.
Ah, the cleavage
of two soft mountains
shaped by a corset
of snow.
The unfurling of pink and blue garters
of light.
Dawn, an amorous lover,
shifts to the chambermaid’s touch,
sheds her pale satin sash
and bares a shadowy marsh.
Felicia Rose has published in The Westchester Review, The Dandelion Review, Mother Earth News, The Way to My Heart: An Anthology of Food-Related Romance, The Sun, and elsewhere. A New York City native, she is now returning home after a spell in the Intermountain West.