Joy Ladin

End of Summer

Sitting on the stoop, the mist

kissing the crowns of trees

also kisses me


Surprises me every year

the way greens deepen

as leaves grow old


Monarch, what are you waiting for

on that plume

of pampas?


Like sunset, some pain

glows for hours

after the sun is gone


Peaceful tonight

but how will it feel tomorrow —


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Joy Ladin has published ten books of poetry, including Shekhinah Speaks; National Jewish Book Award winner The Book of Anna; Lambda Literary Award finalists Transmigration and Impersonation, the latter of which was recently reissued in a free revised edition from Double Back Books. A new collection, Family, is forthcoming from Persea in 2024. Her work has been recognized with a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and a Fulbright Scholarship, among other honors.